Mayma Awaida (she/her) is the artist behind 'silver prncss studio', which takes its name from the Silver Princess tree fronting the clay working space. She creates and contemplates on Whadjuk Noongar Bibbulmun boodjar (Perth).

Initially founded through an interest to invite curiosity, play, and intuition into the practice of making, 'silver prncss studio' approaches each piece without expectation, using minimal tools to accentuate the inimitable nature of hand-building. Each piece is a singular offering in slow design, and fantastical possibility fused into rock form.

Mayma's professional work is driven by seeking collaborative methods to explore exchange, reciprocity, and sensory experiences of space, particularly in the public domain. This has created a complementary dialogue for herself as a maker, wherein the medium of ceramics presents an opportunity to investigate practices of care, ritual, and intentional slowness.

artist's works